Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Unusual scoring celebration

In an effort to offer HR some ideas to help improve their cool, as in not very social, relationship with other teams, I offer the following for their consideration. The HR practice of a team huddle after every score and clapping while reciting "HR Rugby" is singularly unique in all of sports. Why? It is perceived as show boating, celebrating, not in good taste and unsportsmanlike. Imagine the reaction if a basketball or football team huddled after each score, clapped and said "go South High go" as they ran back to the other side of the field or court. It is a practice found no where in the rugby world or in any sport, for a reason.

Performing the Haka on the sidelines during a game or even after a game is inappropriate and disrespectful. Have you ever seen the All Blacks use the Haka in such a manner. No! If you are going to do the Haka then please use it appropriately.

Part of understanding the true meaning of "Kia Kaha" is that to be strong one has to be humble. Without humility there is no Kia Kaha.

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