Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My reply to an email from a former HR player

Thank you for your email. You are obviously a man of integrity. Thank you for taking the time to read my research and reach out to me.

Let know one, including myself ever take away or diminish the value and joy of your experiences. You have discovered the true meaning of sport as it transcends the score board to that feeling of brotherhood that the world in general sorely lacks. And you have felt the true spirit and mana of the Haka. Good for you!

When the opportunity arises continue to share your experiences and opinions with others. It is this type of honest communication and charity that brings people together.

I have tried to improve the tone of my blog over time. Less confrontational and more focused on win win solutions such as the self imposed limit of two import players on the field at any one time and other rugby related content such as Crossfit.

In the end all of these issues boil down to issues of the heart. I sense that you have discovered this as well.

I look forward to meeting you one day. If you are ever in St George please give me a call.

Kia Kaha
Your brother in spirit
Ra Puriri

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