Monday, May 3, 2010

Rio Tinto to Expensive for Nationals

Highland is sponsoring the National tournament at Rio Tinto in 3 weeks. An email was sent out asking teams to help with the event and to share the proceeds.

You smash a team by 126 points, then you ask them to help you. Charity? These type of requests require forward planning, building friendships and brotherhood. Don't be surprised by the lack of response.

This is liken to the Pharisee walking by the beggar on the side of the road (The Good Samaritan)and walking away without helping him.(126-0) The next week you need help pushing your car into a gas station and you ask this very same man to help you.

Some FREE & friendly advice for the black planet:

1. Rio Tinto is to big and expensive, tickets will need to be $60.00 each or more to cover your costs. People cannot afford this in today's economy
2. Hold the event at Murray Park, its a great facility
3. You can lower the cost to attend, or make it free, and have food and vendor booths to cover your costs.
4. None of these opportunities are available at Rio Tinto.
5. You will avoid the black hole of debt and scrambling to find donors to fill the big gap at the end of the day
6. Not as fancy as Rio Tinto. But who cares about fancy? We just care about rugby and the young men participating.

Good luck.

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