Who knows how many? It's a mystery and closely guarded secret.
Like a soap opera "As the Black Planet Turns". Stay tuned.
Why do the import numbers increase every year? Over the years we have seen the import ranks grow from 2 to 4 to 6 and now 8 maybe 9 in 2010!
If local talent is benefiting from this practice then the numbers of import players should be getting smaller and smaller from year to year to maintain the same level of play and scoring.
Quite the opposite is happening. HR teams, other than U-19, are finding themselves in very competitive games across the board from week to week. Discovering the benefits of losing, that we all have enjoyed for years.
5 players actually. 3 were left out of the match entirely, as the Highland coaches felt this fair. Not sure where you got 10 from, as it is 8. And considering the league rules of only having 5 non-citizen players on the pitch at one time, I hardly think this matters. Give Highland some credit for making the decision to have the remaining 3 left out of the game completely and not even dress as reserves.
Still not sure how this makes any difference? League rules still only allow 5 non citizen players on the feild at one time. United has 4, and one man cannot change an entire game himself. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
Brain thanks,
The rule allows only 5 import players on the 22 man roster for a match.
It appears that there may have been 7 on the roster and 7 on the field. A rule is a rule.
Two weeks ago Kearns filed an appeal against Snow Canyon after losing 39-15, for a substitution technicality in the last 5 minutes of the game. The win was taken away from Snow Canyon.
HR must be held to the very same technical standard. Would you not agree?
Yes I do agree. However, what I said were that there were 5 non-citizen players on the roster, who played in the game. The other 3 players did not appear on the roster. Where are these rumors coming from?
Brain there are actually 7 listed on the roster that played in the game on Saturday. See the Highland game summary. Numbers 1,3,4,7,9,13 and 14
Well Ra, I think you'll find that number 3 has dual citizenship, and number 14 is a born and bred American citizen. Where are you getting your information from? And if you don't believe me, Highland had somebody come to practice and check their passports. I think it's time you left this little attack behind you and move on.
DJ Ferris is an American citizen. 14 is an American citizen. Thats only five dude
it is time for the Utah Rugby Union REQUIRE player ID cards so that U-19 players cannot play down in the other divisions.
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