Sunday, July 6, 2008

World Hunger

To calm the concerns of some Highland supporters who have asked why I am not solving global problems such as world hunger instead of spending all of my time on this blog.

I spend very little time on this blog.

Recently returned from a six week business trip in the Middle East. Watched the game between Highland and United from my hotel room in Dubai at 3 am in the morning. They have some amazing rugby facilities in Dubai.

Door of Faith Orphanage

My family and I spent a week working at this amazing orphanage in Baja, Mexico. A life changing experience for our family.

I am also the keeper of the goal posts for the St George Knights High School Rugby Club. We invented some new breakdown goal posts made of 3" PVC pipes, drainage fittings and fernco couplings. Will post some pictures soon.

Don't worry, I'm fine and trying to stay well rounded.

1 comment:

listermanrugby said...

The goalposts are AWESOME! I wouldnt put pictures out. I would sell the design If I were you. Or give the design to deserving clubs. I know many clubs cannot afford the goalposts offered by many of the rugby suppliers. You could be a cheaper alternative.
