Thanks to the HR faithful, we have established the fact, that the kiwi boys are sent to play for HR each year and then sent home at the end of the season.
Who Pays?
- Who is the wealthy benefactor that pays for their plane tickets?
- None of their families can afford to do this.
- Who provides room and board while they are in Utah?
- Who pays the tuition at the new private school they are attending?
- I understand it is over $15,000.00.
- With tuition, plane tickets etc, it is costing each boy $20,000.00 for a 3 month rugby experience in Utah.
- Six came over this year @ $20,000.00 each = $120,000.00.
where did you get you facts?
Which facts specifically? As you know the answers to these questions are very difficult to find because only a few people know all of the answers. Most of the good parents and boys at Highland have little to no clue about such details. I wish they would ask these tough questions.
Yes some of my facts may be incorrect. Tuition may be more or less etc etc. So correct me please.
But the basis and foundation of my
argument is solid as a rock. Not because I said so....just read the letter from Carol Lear the attorney for the Utah State Board of Education. She said so.
Larry claims to have have no idea how they get here and he believes they have been paying tuition every year, they have not, or they would still be attending the public high schools.
Acutally the boys who come up here they and there families pay for everything. Once again you act like you just know everything
As one who hosted one of the 'Kiwis', other than welcoming him into our home for a genuine cultural experience for both him and my family, we provided nothing more than room and board. A small price to pay for a great young man from Auckland, (not Church College) to influence for good.
With regards to your 3 month time frame...this particular young man played for Highland last 2 years and has been here in the states on a student visa since last September. He had a dream of playing high school football (american). Unfortunately, you assisted the school districts in making that dream difficult to achieve, to bad for him. However, I am sure that you will gain some satisfaction. Good for you!!
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