You can build an awesome team
In a very short period of time
Play Highland in the finals
With no kiwi imports
or any polynesian players
lose and win at the same time
simply the facts
You can build an awesome team
In a very short period of time
Play Highland in the finals
With no kiwi imports
or any polynesian players
lose and win at the same time
simply the facts
I understand that you have an issue with foreign born players, but polynesians as well? Yikes, you sound like a nativist, which is interesting as you are from New Zealand and not a native of the U.S. Aren't you a polynesian? The comment you made is ignorant and wrong. The great thing about our country is that we have people from everywhere. You want to play a HR team that is full of white boys. You are a bigot.
Sorry not a bigot but a Samoan / Maori born in New Zealand.
Let me define "white boys". Everyone on the planet earth except the ringers from New Zealand.
Bigots use people of color such as the Maori boys that HR recruits in New Zealand for their own selfish purposes, and then sends them home with no recognition. Look yourself in the mirror.
United has proven you wrong!
Proven the HR logic wrong..."that import players are needed to raise the level and quality of play and a must to have a winning team". A myth!
Not true at all. Can be done with good coaching, good parent support and boys that are coachable and eager to learn
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