Subject: HS EC committee decision on the dispute between SC and Kearns
After much discussion and review of the Laws of the game by myself and Larry Wilson as HS EC, Colin Puriri abstained due to family and single school implications, we have come to a conclusion. I will address both parts of the complaint separately for clarification
In regards to the 8 man who subbed in at the conversion and then subbed out, considering that all of the SC players had subbed out at that point in the game AND that per Law 3.12 exception 1 and 3.12 U-19 variation, the 8 man came on to sub a player who was injured. The player was checked out and returned to the game before the conclusion of the conversion. The 8 man then left the field of play. NO VIOLATION OCCURRED
The Prop is a different matter. We discussed heavily the interpretation of the above referenced laws, 3.12 exception 1 and 2 plus the U-19 variation, as have determined that while the prop was out of gas, he was not injured. We understand he was subbed out because he was exhausted and that he MAY become injured because he was tired. My understanding is that he had also played a game previously. While this does not matter in the least, it was a coaching decision that put a player into a position that ended up him needing to come out but there being no eligible front row. This does not fall within the laws or variations because there was no injury. Had the player REALLY needed to come out, the law 3.13(a) and (d) would come into play and a non front row could have subbed in and uncontested scrums would be utilized. Based upon this there was a VIOLATION OF THE LAW.
This really pains me because there was a wide margin in the scores, all of which was included in the play prior to this event. It also did not appear to be nefarious in any way or means with a coach thinking they were within the rules of the game when they are not. Not withstanding, we must also be consistent for violations of the laws. Davis County forfeited a game for an illegal substitution (their scrum half). Because there was no injury being subbed out for the prop, then we must look at this the same way. The HS EC votes to award the victory to Kearns HS due to forfeit because of substitution violation.
Mike C.
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