Thursday, April 30, 2009

HR cancels game against Kearns

Several weeks ago the Union scheduled a regular season mid week game between HR and Kearns. HR canceled the game saying they needed at least seven days between games to prepare for a tough team like Kearns. This is not Wimbledon or the World Series. If it's good enough for the other teams to follow the schedule then here is an item for the HR, how do we earn the respect of the other teams list.

This should be a forfeit and a loss for HR. Kearns is a great program with committed players, coaches and parents. They deserve more respect than to be dismissed by a made up 7 day preparation rule. I am sure they would prefer to play HR than take a win by default. The union should not have to bend the schedule around HR's extracurricular and traveling games during the regular season. Fall in line, follow the schedule and sow the seeds to respect.


PVWH said...

Here's a really great clip of Wooden

PVWH said...

OOPS! Forgot the link!

Ra Puriri said...

Thankyou PVWH great video. Kia Kaha