Friday, April 18, 2008

Highland High School is not associated with the Highland High School Rugby team

Several years ago the Highland rugby team was told by Highland High School that they could no longer use their athletic facilities. The school was troubled with the practice of slipping import players into the local public high schools. Not for education purposes but simply to create the appearance of being eligable to play rugby.

So much for character building. I guess the end justifies the means. Win at all cost.


tim said...

Where did you get this information from? Because actually if you checked your facts you would have known that the highland football program and principal had issues with them using their practice field.

Ra Puriri said...

your facts plus my facts mean that Highland High School does not want to be associated with HR.

Kiwi imports have been expelled from Utah Public schools twice now.... 2001 by Highland High School and 2005 by Olympus

brohammas said...

do you really think rugby is such a big deal in Utah, or the states, that a Kiwi would come here just to play rugby?
you can live next door to that school or whatever field they are on and never know there is a team.
There are no college scholarships for rugby in Utah.
There are so many polynesians already living in Utah that highland would never need to "import" them.

sour grapes perhaps?

(I do not, and never have had any relationship with Highland Rugby)