Tuesday, November 11, 2008

HR - who gave you the approval to use the Haka?

A question from "kiwi" in New Zealand

Ra, that coach made a statement that kaumatua went over from NZ to Utah.
So can you tell me who were those so called kaumatua ?
Were they Mormon ?
Were they Ngati Toa ?

This is a fair question.

What is the name of the person who gave you the approval to use the Haka & Kia Kaha in your movie?

Please stop using the Haka and Kia Kaha in your schemes.

HR has little respect for the Maori culture or the young men from New Zealand, other than as means to a very selfish end.


Anonymous said...

Just to clear up a couple things.....when the Haka is introduced each year to the team, the utmost respect is given to the Maori culture. The ancient stories are told. It is a special time in the season and is not taken lightly. Im sure that HR has made some mistakes, we all have but the Highland Rugby program has had such a huge positive experience on so many young men including those that have come over to play. Players from NZ have come back to help coach, stay involved with the program as their lives continue back in NZ. True, "kiwi's" didn't get the credit that they deserve but the story of the movie was that if you take discipline and a strong sense of self, you can not only win games but you can win in life. And that is what HR has done time after time. And many people who never play on the "A" side team will agree. Thank you for your comments and your efforts to honor and recognize our friends and teammates that gave up so much to come to the states and teach a few Utah boys how to play an amazing game.

Unknown said...

If you want to be critical of Highland doing the Haka, then fine, but be consistent in criticizing other teams that do a Haka. You're own brother's team does one, but where is you picket for that? it's funny how that works. I don't see your bash blog for high school football teams that do Haka's. Did they ask permission from the Maori community? The answer is no. Please direct me to your bash blog for those football teams. Where is your hate blog for BYU's football and rugby teams doing a Haka? You do not own the Haka, nor does Highland, but you have to be consistent in your criticism's. I find your self appointed "guardian of the Haka" persona absolutely hysterical. Your selective moral outrage is so hypocritical and typical of you. As far as the movie goes, Larry Gelwix did not write it. If you want to know who included the Haka in the movie, go ask David Plier( who's son plays for your brother). I'm sure he'll be delighted in discussing all of your complaints. I'm sure he had no idea that his son's coach's brother had such a beef to pick with him. My advice to you is: Grow up and get a new hobby. If i were you, i wouldn't let that new found hobby include dress up, as i understand you will get into a lot of trouble if you go into another high school posed as a USA rugby official. The rugby community has spoken and your hypocrisy and double standards should cease, enough is enough. Good Luck.
P.S. Please do not respond with the same old rhetoric that we have heard year after year. At least try and make it refreshingly different. Try at least to make you response somewhat intelligent.

Ra Puriri said...

Thanks for the comments.

Mary, sorry it's not refreshingly different. If you take the time to read all of my posts, I have made several creative suggestions to change the dynamics of this conversation.

Why am I the only advocate for your local players, getting more time on the field.

If you really care about building character, integrity and not just winning, then champion my suggested voluntary limit of one import player from NZ on the field at a time for 2009.

Why not put one of the Kiwi boys on six different teams next season. That would be amazing! Think of what that would do for rugby in Utah.

You change the dynamics by making an intelligent choice for fairness and the response will be so refreshing it will make you smile.

You may lose a few more games but your team will be much the better for it in the long run. HR will still have an amazing program that positively impacts the lives of many.

Thanks for the mention of the United Rugby program. They are an example of what can be accomplished in 5 years with no import players from New Zealand. And how local talent and parents when given the chance can collaborate, blossom and rise to any challenge.

Unknown said...

All I am saying to you is to be consistent in your criticism's. Jesuit Rugby of Sacramento has imported players from Australia to play on their rugby squad. They have done this in the past, and still continue to do so. HR does not have Kiwi's every year nor does Jesuit. They have broken no rules. Show me where in the rule book Highland and or any team has cheated. Your comments therefore should be directed as USA rugby and not Highland. USA rugby is the governing body, not you. You're criticism's of Highland come down to one thing: Highland wins and you don't. Now before you start typing your reply furiously, just hear me out. Highland doesn't win because of kiwi's. I read all of your blog posts(which accused me of not doing) and I read that you said the only reason Highland has won in the past is because of Kiwi's. Here is chance for you to back up your criticism's. Please present a roster of every HR championship team. I think you might be a little surprised. By the way, as I have read your blog, i find your "dynamic changes" for rugby very biased. I have been around the rugby community for many years, and you're complaints are nothing new. It's funny how you never hear these types of complaints when Highland loses. United Rugby is a great program, and I sincerely hope that they can give Highland a game next year. I truly hope you can see all of the good HR and Larry Gelwix have done for this community. Jealously is a terrible motivator. Good Luck.

Ra Puriri said...

Mary, again you prove my point. And sorry to disappoint but jealousy has absolutely nothing, zero to do about my motivations.

Show us that what you are saying is true. A self imposed limit of one foreign player on the field for 2009 is a win win for all and I will rest my case.

Unknown said...

You missed my point. If I proved your point by shining light on your hypocrisy and double standards, then I rest my case. Your weird and creepy obsession with Highland is disturbing. I would like to know your response as to other teams that have foreign born players. I've read other blogposts and you don't answer anyone's questions, so here is your chance! why don't you channel your negative energy into something productive, such as improving United so they don't lose by 60 points next season. Good Luck.

Ra Puriri said...

Blinded by the light

Unknown said...

Typical answer from you. Yawn.

Ra Puriri said...

Easy to throw stones from behind the wall of anonymity. Par for the course. It's getting crowded behind that wall with the kiwi import players and all of the HR supporters.
No one has the Mana to stand up and be counted.

Unknown said...

And you're not hiding behind you're computer? Why do you use this forum to make your slanderous accusations, instead of standing face to face with those who's actions you find so abhorrent? It's easy to throw mud when you don't have to clean up afterwards. You toss your accusations out and run back into your rat hole. Everything you have done has been sneaky and underhanded. A real man would go to Larry Gelwix(and please learn to spell his name right) and sit down and talk to him in a reasonable manner, instead of throwing out garbage that ultimately hurts the reputation of Utah rugby that so many people have worked so hard to achieve. People both in and out of the HR community. You have no idea the damage you have done in this state. Any credibility you had in the Utah rugby community has disappeared because of your constant negativity. I'm done pretending that anything you say is worth a response from me, unlike you, i'm done.Good Luck.

Ra Puriri said...

To Mary ?

Why do I use this forum....I don't have the money to make a movie, it's cheap, easy and has a global reach.

...slanderous....your opinion and your welcome to it.

....damage...??? please be specific. Your generalities are like spitting in the wind.

I guess by your definition I am a real man, because I have talked to Larry face to face about these issues.

My request to him for voluntary modifications, ignored.

My offer 4 years ago to come to a meeting of the HR parents and supporters to make my case in person was turned down.

If you would like to schedule a meeting of parents, and I would be happy to drive to Salt Lake and attend.